Offence Removed

Scripture Reading - Philippians 1:9-10 KJV

9 And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment;
10 That ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ;

In today’s lesson we are still discussing the topic of “offence”. In the last lesson we revealed that “offences” are bad for the soul and illustrated a few examples to identify when a person is “offended”. Our intent was to convey the message that it is better to resist an “offence” at the beginning so that they never get into your heart because if the “offence” gets within your heart it will be a little harder to deal with. Thus, today’s lesson will focus on “Removing Offences” that are within your heart. “Offences” get into your heart primarily by mediating on something wrong (negatively) influencing your life. This could be something a person did unto you including words spoken against you. Yes, “offences” can even come through people being upset with the current government or an authority figure. Having an “offence” is always bad because the “offence” will typically manifest in verbal complaint which means the infected individual will not totally submit to praising God in a certain area of their life. “Offended people” always have some complaints mingled into their spoken words during the day. We all know God is very big on what you say because He pays close attention to every word coming out of your mouth. Since He is your Heavenly Father it is totally understandable that He listens intently to know and understand what you are speaking to Him and what our heart is speaking about others. The Good Lord Jesus and Father God gain no pleasure from listening to a child of God complain about what another person did unto them and how it hurt them, nor does the Lord want to hear about some change in government that some disagree with. It is not that God doesn’t want to listen to one of His Beloved Children or that God doesn’t want to help that person it is just that God has nothing to do with glorifying the works of the devil which speaking an “offence” does. The truth of the matter is complaining typically glorifies the devil whereas praise magnifies God. An “offence” is sometimes referred to as a root of bitterness which defiles yourself and others too, so it is very important remove it from your life. God can always move on our behalf when we do things His Way. This means the closer we follow God’s Word the more of God’s Ways will be displayed in our life, then we will show forth the fruit of the Holy Spirit in our everyday life. Being “offended” causes a negative atmosphere to follow us around; it is like a dark cloud constantly hanging over us. This dark cloud blocks The Light of God’s Love which is the key link to all of God’s Blessings of provision, protection, peace and personal enlightenment. Therefore, any and all “offences” must be rejected before entrance or removed once detected in our heart. This good foundation based upon the background information about “offences” brings us to the subject of today which is “removing offences”. “Offences” that are already implanted in your heart and issues that have been discussed repeatedly in a negative connotation must be discarded from your soul. The real danger with this is sometimes the information could be true but if it is negative (“offensive”) that information shouldn’t be discussed repeatedly with your heart. We must remember that our Heavenly Father God is fellowshipping in our heart with The Lord Jesus Christ speaking, comforting and listening to us according to John 14:21-23. We must recognize that the all-knowing (omniscient) God knows everything going on inside of us and all things going on outside of us. Therefore, we must purpose to keep our hearts pure, clean of dirty talk or thoughts. Accepting these negative thoughts by speaking them out loud is complaining outwardly before God and man. When we are unhappy with a situation or person and we rehearse our displeasure inwardly we are complaining before God, which ought not to be done because it always (every time) leads to being “offended”. We (ihlcc) know some could say, “I don’t bad mouth them to others that often!” However, we (ihlcc) could say if they are negative clouds in your heart God sees it and He is grieved just the same. To remove this poison you must first decide to completely love the individual(s) that are contrary to you because this is a matter of life and death. Since you do love that other person you will sincerely pray for God to bless them and be merciful to them. Doing this for as long as it takes to “remove the offence” is recommended. Once you have crossed that barrier, you must then decide to acknowledge the very real fact that no person or negative issue is worth the cost of jeopardizing your fellowship with God. Remember you and God are One in Christ Jesus, therefore let not any devil, man, woman or child come between you and your Heavenly Father God. Completing these two steps first will make the third step easier which is totally forgiving the other person or party because you realize if you refuse to forgive another of their sins and trespasses God will refuse to forgive you of your sins and trespasses. This helps us to understand that forgiveness is good for all three parties, yourself, the other person(s) and God Himself because then The Lord can bless you with whatever you need in your time of testing, tribulation or trial. Once you have forgiven the individual confess your personal sin of being “offended” unto God to secure the Blood Covering (Cleansing) of Jesus that washes you clean as fresh snow. These four steps will definitely place you in the restoration position in God and then our fifth step is to be open to any further instructions you may hear from God. We (ihlcc) say this because sometimes the Lord Jesus might require some further action on your part like; visiting an old unforgiven acquaintance to show them that all’s well. Similarly, we have heard of other cases whose families are restored to order and love by a family discussion revealing the faults and failures of the person holding unto the “offence” over several years releasing it in humility and sincerity to others that were affected by it and all the present listeners rejoiced. We don’t know everything about any additional steps Our Heavenly Father might ask of others, if He asks anything else at all, all we know is that if you do these four or five steps your heart will be right with God. Yes, initially you might have to do this by faith because we do know your flesh and mind will not like it, but if God’s Word encourages and endorses such actions and attitudes we must follow God by crucifying our flesh daily. Amen! Just remember that “removing offences implanted in our heart” is at least a four or five step process that can be done within a half hour with sincerity and truth but resisting the urge to take it back can only be overcome with faith and patience. Our confession of faith must include a frame of mind that thinks within and says out loud, “ I have great peace so nothing can offend me, I love brother (or sister) so-n-so I have no evil thoughts against them. Father thank you for helping me to grow in maturity and wisdom to love all people just as you love them in Jesus Name. Amen! Of course this doesn’t have to be your exact prayer and confession to God but something that has the same intent and attitude because we all need each other and we should be willing to love one another independently of (in-spite of) the actions of those who act ungodly at times. Remember Matthew 5:44-45 KJV which states, ”But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he makes his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.” Since you are a Child of God we believe you shall act like God by giving no place to “offences” in your life because you know in your heart that they are forbidden by God and all godly people who know just how dangerous “offences” are to all mankind. Amen!